Welcome to Creepy Crawlies.
I don’t know how you found your way here, but the fact that you did suggests there’s something wrong with you. Good. There’s too many normal people these days and none of them have a whit of taste.
On the off chance you didn’t intend to end up here, however, you’re probably wondering: 1) what is wrong with whoever recommended this website to you, and 2) (assuming you had the misfortune of reading the one about the chimpanzee) what kind of warped imagination must the author possess to pen such vile, gory, nihilistic ‘fictions’. And as to that, your guess is as good as mine. I had a relatively normal childhood, all things considered, but who knows. Perhaps if I tell you a little about my past, you can work something out that I haven’t.
You see, my name is redacted. I live in redacted, redacted with my long-time girlfriend/editor/co-conspirator redacted. I like redacted walks on the redacted, redacting under the roving, bloodshot eye of Redacted, and of course, who could forget, when my girlfriend redacts me up my redact. (Like redacted always said, either get busy redacting, or get busy redact.)
But why are you still reading this? Click on the Stories link in the header and go read something I actually painstakingly edited. Or click on the Updates link and read whatever I eventually decide to post there. Likely a little Behind the Scenes action, some sneak peeks, the occasional lamentations (I know how you kids love your Bts). If you’re interested in keeping tabs, follow my socials (Twitter or Reddit) or pop your head in every now and again for new tales.
Or don’t. You can always turn tail, go back to whatever quiet, dimly lit suburban two-story you crawled out from and get back to reading Doing Your Small Part to Save the Environment in Ten Easy- You Can Even Skip a Couple of Them- Steps. Nobody’s gonna blame you. Nobody’s gonna make you read my fiction. Not til you die at least, and then only if you were really, really bad. But who knows.
If you don’t enjoy it now, maybe you’ll enjoy it then.